Latest News Of SBI Credit Card Moratorium 2022 | Important Pros & Cons.

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SBI Credit Card Moratorium

In this covid time, Most of the EMI payers & Credit Cardholders are at loss. So they are not able to pay the EMI or Credit Card bills. So banks are giving them a moratorium on their Loan Payments.

What Is SBI Credit Card Moratorium:

Basically, Moratorium means suspension. In the business world, a Moratorium means a delay in payment. You can delay your payment by Moratorium. 

The Date, when you have to give back your credit card bill amount is called the Due Date. If you have taken a credit card then you have to pay the loan amount on a payment due date.

In the Moratorium of SBI Credit Card, Your Due Date will be delayed by 1, 2 or 3 months. It’s all mean that your Dues will be delayed for some time. But don’t think that your amount will be cut. Your Due amount date will be delayed

Regularities To Apply for SBI Credit Card Moratorium:

before applying for SBI Credit Card Moratorium, You need to learn about some important points. These points regularities about the moratorium, You must know.


According To SBI…

  1. Because Of the Moratorium, Your Due Date will be postponed by 2 months or according to the moratorium.
  2. In the moratorium, Your dues will not be cancelled. Your dues will be postponed according to the validity of the moratorium.
  3. Your bill will not generate but During this period, Your interest will be increased by 3.5%(per month) every month. This is a big interest for a credit card, calculate your interest then apply for Moratorium.
  4. When your bill will generate, this interest will also add to Bill.
  5. Your EMI will be added to your bill. It means you don’t need to pay EMI during the moratorium period. 
  6. If your mind is changed & If want to cancel the moratorium during this period. Then you don’t need to pay the Interest.

Note: If you still have some queries then comment below. If you want to read from SBI then Click on this Link:-

How To Apply For SBI Credit Card Moratorium:

If you are an SBI Credit Cardholder & want to apply for the moratorium. The applying process for the SBI Credit Card moratorium is not so hard. You can apply Request for SBI Credit Card Moratorium online.


Here you will get step by step process about How to apply for sbi credit card moratorium. If you want to apply moratorium for June to august then you can apply by following these step by step process. 

To apply for sbi credit card moratorium, You don’t need anything instead Mobile or Desktop. 

  • First, Go to & Log in there by your I’d & Password.
  • After Logging in, Your account details (Due date, minimum amount due etc) will be showing there.
  • If you want to apply for that moratorium, If you want to postpone your due date.
  • For your Moratorium, In the menu go to services & click on the first option(Payment Moratorium).
  • Before Covid, the Payment moratorium option was not there but Now Moratorium is available for SBI Credit Cards.
  • Here are some important payment regularities which you must read. All Regularities are given Above.
  • After reading & accepting the regularities, click on submit button.
  • Now, your moratorium n your credit card is completed.

Conclution & Opiniun

 SBI Credit Card Moratoroium is very helpful for those who don’t have money to pay. But still, you are at loss. However, because of the moratorium, your due date will be delayed but Interest will increase as it is.

Your Due Interest will be increased by 3.5% per month, Every SBI Credit Cardholder is known, “What is the mean of 3.5% interest.”

So If You are able to pay dues of your Credit Card then You should pay your dues.

Thank You,

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